Saturday, September 12, 2009

Animal Force Group Images...

Animal Force X(perts) Team
(left to right) Xian, Cam, Leon
Delphi, Filan, Eggy,
Jack, Kitty, Carrie

(kiri-kanan) Xian, Cam, Leon
Delphi, Filan, Eggy,
Jack, Kitty, Carrie

Animavil Generals
(left to right) Conselour Owlo, Mistress Peacara,
Chief Engineer Canos, Commander Hedgehan

(kiri-kanan) Conselour Owlo, Mistress Peacara,
Chief Engineer Canos, Commander Hedgehan

Mythical Beast Admins

(top to bottom) Forunika, Gyura, Vareece, Scordy, Illia, Vidia, Spellbia

(atas-bawah) Forunika, Gyura, Vareece, Scordy, Illia, Vidia, Spellbia
(Translated on September 18, 2012, 09:24PM)