Sunday, September 13, 2009

Free Match is UP!!

Yep, I found this 1998's work accidentally when I was cleaning up the house this morning. I used to put this design for my own looseleaf-binder's cover. With that, I've updated this blog with a new title, that you can see right here:

I'm targeting to start looking for the art collection to it in the next few days, cause I couldn't manage to find them today.

Beside Free Match, there are also some other works I've made that I've never even realized. aybe next time I will put them up as well...

All I know is that I manage to discover the art collection for 4 Season Princess, so their Character Profile or Storyline will be up soon. Wait and see....


(Translated on September 19, 2012, 09:16PM)


Yup, karya tahun 1998 ini ga sengaja ditemukan saat sedang beres2 rumah tadi pagi. Desainnya dulu digunakan untuk cover Binder sendiri. Oleh sebab itu di blog ini pun diupdate dengan title baru, bisa dilihat disini:

Targetnya besok2 akan mulai menelusuri lokasi kumpulan desainnya, yang hari ini belum ketemu.

Selain Free Match ada beberapa judul lain yang juga ga disangka2 pernah dibuat. Maybe next time akan di-up juga...

Yang jelas kumpulan karya 4 Season Princess berhasil ditemukan, jadi mungkin dalam waktu dekat akan ada Character Profile ato Storyline tentang mereka. Wait and see....
