Friday, September 4, 2009

New Layout

Just because the images from my previous blog's layout suddenly disappear to nowhere... (perhaps because the creator used Photobucket), I 've decided to change my blog's design. The previous theme was "Field of Dream"... while this one is a simplicity called "Writer". It has an easy template and had to be customized via its HTML. The design is now fully modified, and has now truly showing the signature mark of FCB-Comics hehehe.

Hope you like it... Enjoy...

(Translated on September 18, 2012, 08:59AM)


Karena entah kenapa gambar2 dari layout blog sebelumnya menghilang... (mungkin karena pembuatnya menggunakan Photobucket), maka akhirnya desain blog diganti. Tema layout sebelumnya adalah Field of Dreams... kalo yang ini simplicity aja judulnya Writer. Template sederhana dan harus dicustomize dengan HTMLnya. Design kini sudah dimodifikasi sehingga benar-benar menjadi ciri khas FCB-Comics hehehe.

Hope you like it... Enjoy...